New Book – Taking Flight by: Kelly Rae Roberts

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So, at the beginning of Summer this year, I started reading Kelly Rae Roberts book Taking Flight.  I bought the book a few years back and it had been on my shelf collecting dust ever since. But from the day I picked it up and started reading I felt a connection. It was like connecting with my people, and I was alone. But there was an awaking in a part of my soul that had long been buried and forgotten.

As I read through the chapters, not only do I learn some new art technique, I seem to be discovering new things about myself.  For me this book is like a personal journey, and some days are bright and filled with purple unicorns and the creativity flows, and others are filled with memories, that are hard to face. But I’m trying to just enjoy the process and have fun.

Please feel free to grab a copy and work with me, and be sure to share your thoughts and feelings on the process.  I would love to hear from you and it would be nice to know I’m not alone.

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Here is my Whisper Journal, which is taught at the end of chapter 1.